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BETO holds the 2nd Workers' Congress of 2024

On the afternoon of September 6th, the 2nd BETO 2024 Workers' Congress was held grandly. There were 42 delegates expected to attend this conference, but 33 were actually present. 9 of them were on leave due to work-related reasons.

The conference kicked off with the solemn national anthem. Firstly, the vice chairman of the trade union, Sun Bo, presented the annual administrative work report to all employee representatives. And in response to 12 employee proposals related to company management, salary and benefits, labor protection, work and rest schedules, the representatives of the employee side and the enterprise side negotiated and reported on them one by one at the meeting. Then, all employee representatives were divided into three groups to carefully discuss and review four important documents: the Collective Agreement, the Collective Wage Agreement, the Collective Agreement for the Protection of Women's Rights and Interests, and the Regulations on Reward and Punishment Management. The conference ultimately passed the above-mentioned document by a show of hands vote.

Finally, the chairman of the trade union, Li Jiajia, delivered a speech expressing full recognition of the smooth progress of the agenda and the successful outcome of the conference. At the same time, she put forward three requirements: firstly, to create an "employee oriented" corporate culture, so that every employee can feel the care and warmth of the company; Secondly, we need to balance the relationship between trade unions and enterprises, and give full play to the role of trade unions as a bridge and link; The third is to continuously improve the quality and ability of employee representatives, and contribute more wisdom and strength to the development of the company.